Security Attacks Cost Singapore Businesses $1.25M per Breach

Channel Asia is reporting on a study recently released by McAfee, claiming the average cost of a cyber attack to a Singapore-based business is approximately $1.25m per breach:

According to McAfee findings, the city-state houses the highest estimated costs stemming from a breach across Asia Pacific, ahead of markets such as Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand.

Findings from a survey of 480 cyber security decision-makers at a regional level paint a damning picture for Singapore with 80 per cent of respondents claiming that cyber security incidents pose “high” or “medium” impacts on business.


Estimated costs from respondents in Singapore were more than double that of the next highest country in Asia Pacific, identified as Indonesia with financial implications at roughly S$785,000 per breach.

I would like to know how McAfee, and the various companies they interviewed, arrived at these numbers. Internal incident response is a bit of an art to accurately quantify. Leveraging external resources to assist with breach remediation is much easier to understand.

The likelihood of all of these Singapore-based companies only using outside assistance is small. There is a stronger chance of a more hybrid approach, where internal responders work in conjunction with external help of some sort.

In either case, I am curious to see how these numbers were derived.